e Tech Athlete Management: Learn To Swim Classes at Lacasa Condo(Woodland)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Learn To Swim Classes at Lacasa Condo(Woodland)

A close up photo of me, trying to take a nice pic for my new name card with photo.
Picture of myself and Amanda.

This is our first class in Lacasa Condo on every Sunday 11:30am since 2009.
Desmond teaching and correcting on breast stroke pull.

Why Choose Us ?

- We are a professional swim school with a strong team of qualified and experienced coaches.

- We provide you a one stop solution for all your swimming needs.

- We have a range of professional swimming courses to cater for your children aged 4 years and above.

- Adults leisure and professional courses are also available.

- Hesitate no more, adopt swimming as your hobby now !

- A healthy lifestyle awaits you...

Contact Us

Office : 6-384 4734 (from 9am to 6pm)

HP/SMS : 9-107 8512 (from 6pm to 11pm)

Email : tech.athlete@gmail.com

Visit us : www.techathlete.blogspot.com


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